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Bibliography List


* denotes a work in progress

1. Marina's Cries

2. Courtney's Charge

3. The Princess Slave: Mei's Song

4. MASTERPIECE: A Killer's View of Art*

5. The Kramarans (Working Title)*

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Short Stories Books

* denotes work in progress

1. The Naked Pleasures of...

Approx. 101 pages.

2. Tales from Inside The Lair

Selected Poems Books

These book with the exception of * contain 60 poems each.

1. Perched Headlong...

Approx. 174 pages.

2. From The Mind of The Insane Poet

Approx. 196 pages.

3. Wisdom Still Burns Deep*

Approx. 90 pages.

Poetry Books

All books contain 50 poems except ** titles. They contain less because these are the books from which make up the book The Naked Pleasures of...

Book title with * denotes it is a book in the progress.


1. When Dreams Are Murdered

Approx. 155 pages.

2. From the Ashes of a Murdered Dream

Approx. 136 pages.

3. The Journey of the Soul

Approx. 168 pages.

4. The Insane Poet**

Approx 146 pages.

5. The Procession of Pain**

Approx. 179 pages.

6. The Sadness of the Perpetual Smile

Approx. 110 pages.

7. Angel Song

Approx. 114 pages.

8. The Insane Poet Strikes Again

Approx. 112 pages.

9. With A Single Cry

Approx. 98 pages.

10. Silent Watcher

Approx. 138 pages.

11. Been Made To Suffer

Approx. 210 pages.

12. Anticipation's Anticlimax

Approx. 132 pages.

13. Like an Ancient Temple

Approx. 111 pages.

14. Searching Revolving Doorways*

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